What is Functional Medicine?
Functional medicine is an individualized, patient-centered, science-based approach that empowers patients and practitioners to collaborate together to address the underlying root cause(s) of disease and promote optimal wellness and vitality.
Functional medicine is a modern approach to health that truly focuses on health care, NOT disease care.
The Six Principles of Functional Medicine
Health as a Positive Vitality
Not simply the absence of disease.
Web-like Interconnections
The human body functions as an orchestrated network of interconnected systems, rather than individual systems functioning autonomously and without effect on each other.
Biochemical Individuality
Recognizes the importance of individual variations in metabolic function that derive from genetic and environmental differences among individuals.
Dynamic Balance
Balance of internal and external factors.
Patient Centered
Emphasis on "patient care" rather than "disease care".
Promotion of Organ Reserve
Promotion of organ reserve as the means to enhance longevity and health span.
Functional medicine focuses on prevention and underlying physiology versus symptoms of chronic disease.
By analyzing and establishing a base line physiology through a detailed medical history, functional and traditional lab tests and integrative diagnostics, Dr. Stefanacci creates a treatment plan customized to you that leads to improved health and vitality.